

       We can offer a full range of incinerators for almost every type of waste, sophisticated crematories and new concept industrial ovens. All our efforts are directed towards the fulfillment of each customer’s needs: our technical staff daily performs, with great professionalism, analysis of customers’ specifications, feasibility studies, customized designs and tests, after-sales services and remote assistance. Our strengths are great reliability, high level of efficiency and security of our products, high quality materials, great attention to details and short delivery times.



Modern Cremation Process

Specifically designed for the destruction of general, industrial, hospital and clinical waste the Thermechtech freestanding incinerator units have been installed all over the world. 


The incinerators are manually or automatically fed, via a ram loader, and can be supplied with an automatic bin tippler system. They have an ash grate and trolley for easy de-ashing and are supplied with a comprehensive, but easy to use, control panel.


Manufactured to comply to local, Worldwide environmental standards this range provides the efficient solution to waste management.

Modern Technology

Modern incinerators include air pollution control equipment (e.g., fabric filters, scrubbers, electrostatic precipitators) to remove fly ash and gaseous contaminants. Tall chimney stacks serve to discharge the cleaned flue gases at heights that increase dilution and dispersion rates, further reducing air pollution.