100 FT Chimney
The chimney is a tall structure used to ventilate or exhaust off all gases generated during the Combustion of Fuel. Although it may be self-supported or supported by ropes, a huge structure made of steel or concrete but its primary function is just to vent off poisonous or harmful gases at a height where it does not come in contact with any human.

Modern Cremation Process
We shoulder activities like Design, Engineering and Execution of the project as a complete package. We conduct them in such a way that our customers do not face any trouble whatsoever during the Supply, Erection, Commissioning and day to day usage of the chimney. We have an experienced design team that works diligently with you and your consultants and make available all Project related documents and drawings in a swift and hassle free manner.
We have developed Chimneys with the integration of sophisticated technologies to make them highly suitable to get ventilation for hot flue gases or smoke from a boiler, stove, furnace or fireplace to the outside atmosphere.
Optimum grade of carbon steel is utilized in the fabrication of these Industrial Chimneys. These external structures are considered to be stacks of flue gas in comparison to those structures which are built into the wall. All of these structures do differ in terms of appearance. Working of these industrial structures based on stack effect in which density of the gas gets reduces with the increase of the temperature.
An industrial chimney is a device that helps in the combustion of fuel inside a furnace or boiler. The chimney has two main functions: to carry away the flue gases from the furnace and to prevent them from entering the atmosphere. Industrial chimneys are composed of three basic parts: the top, the middle, and the bottom. The top part is called the crown, where the air enters through a series of openings. The middle part is called the throat, where the hot gases enter. Finally, the bottom part is called the base, where the exhaust gases exit.